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Thursday, June 3 Satellite symposium Neuropsychology
Friday, June 4 Satellite session 'Computational Neuroscience - New Developments in Neuroinformatics'

Thursday, June 3

Satellite symposium Neuropsychology

Organized by the Dutch Society for Neuropsychology

09.30-10.30 Satellite I
Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural changes in elderly
Chairpersons: Dr. R. Kessel and Drs. M. Gerritsen
Drs. A.M.A. Brands: Cognitive functioning in elderly persons with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Drs. M.E.M. Mol: Cognitive performance in middle-aged and older subjects with subjective memory complaints: results from the Maastricht Ageing Study
Dr. P.E.J. Spaan: Early assessment of dementia: the contribution of different memory components
Drs. L.Gootjes: Subcortical white matter pathology as a mediating factor for age-related decreased performance in dichotic listening.

11.00-12.30 Satellite II
Risk factors, course, and intervention of cognitive, emotional and behavioural changes in patients with acquired brain lesions
Chairpersons: Dr. C. van Heugten and Drs. S Rasquin
Drs. I. Winkens: Exploration of the consequences of mental slowness in the daily life of stroke patients.
Drs. C.A.V. Geusgens: Strategy training in left hemisphere stroke patients with apraxia
Drs. Ruthger Righart: Configurational face perception related to N170 in prosopagnosia
Drs. E. M. Kingma: Psychopathology and behavioral problems in Huntington's disease
Drs. Joost Heutink: Impaired recognition of facial emotional expressions in patients with right-hemisphere lesions - What can ERPs tell us?

14.00-15.30 Satellite III
Neuropsychiatry in adults and children
Chairperson Prof. Dr. G. Vingerhoets
Drs. Natalie D.J. Marchetta: Cognitive functioning in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder compared to adults without ADHD and healthy controls
Dr. E.A.E. Holthausen: Dynamic cognitive changes and outcome in recent onset schizophrenia
Drs. G.H.M. Pijnenborg: Impaired recognition of negative emotional prosody in schizophrenia
Drs. R. Wassenberg: Development of abstract language comprehension in 6 to 12-year-old Dutch children
Drs. K.N.J.A. Van Braeckel: Pointing behaviour in very preterm born children

Friday, June 4

Satellite session
'Computational Neuroscience - New Developments in Neuroinformatics'

Organized by the Work group Neuroinformatics (

Chairperson: Stan Gielen (Nijmegen)
J. van Pelt (Amsterdam): Introduction on neuroInformatics (15)
G. Somjen
(Durham, USA): Simulation studies on the generation of epileptic seizures and spreading depression in neurons (45)
C. Gielen
(Nijmegen): NeuroInformatics of neuronal information processing: from neural networks to neuro-imaging (45)
Cyril Pennartz
(Amsterdam): Neuroinformatics and cognition: coding and off-line reactivation of representations by neuronal ensembles (45)



ENP2004 satellites